My House Feels Haunted & I’ve Had Bad Luck—Am I Cursed? Advice Column

Ask a Witch is StyleCaster’s advice column offering sage advice and practical magic for modern problems. Every Friday, our resident witch Roya Backlund will answer your most vulnerable conundrums through the lens of astrology, Tarot, and spirituality. Submit questions to, along with your birth information—date, time, and location—as well as birth information for other parties involved, if you have it. Hex what vexes you: Ask a Witch.

Dear Roya,

I moved to an old farmhouse 13 years ago. A few years later, a man I thought was my friend took some coins out of his pocket and tossed them through the front door into the hallway. Two years later, bad luck always seems to find us, and it’s stopping us from having the life we once did. (The irony is we moved here to be closer to that “friend” in the first place.)

Before that incident, we were happy. We regularly went to the beach, visited the forest, and had picnics. I was a great drummer, we had a nice car, and we had more than enough money—we had a full life.

Then, I started to lose money. Later, we lost our car. Finally, our landlord attacked me after a dispute and put his hands on my partner. He’s made it clear he wants to kick us out, but we have nowhere to go.

We’re both getting older and we have no money coming in—only social welfare. I’ve been suffering from depression and have turned to beer and rum when I can afford it. My partner suffers from many ailments—tremors, headaches, and dizzy spells. She’s very unsteady when walking and has blackouts occasionally. I believe we must be cursed because nothing goes right for us.

There are even nights when I go into the kitchen and feel like I’m being watched. One night, while my partner was alone in our home, a very loud and terrifying bang came from the freezer door. Just about an hour before I wrote this email, my partner was in the kitchen getting some food when she heard a loud whisper in her ear say: “Get out.” It scared the life out of her. This isn’t uncommon—I’ve also felt a presence I knew wasn’t friendly at all.

We feel trapped here, but we also feel unwanted here. What do we do?

Bogged Down

Photo: Alexander Bemis. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster.

Dear Bogged Down,

I commend you for being open and honest about your experience, which sounds truly awful and my heart goes out to you. It’s not easy to admit you think you’ve been cursed or that you’re being attacked by negative entities. Even though many people would denounce your suspicions as nothing more than your imagination getting the best of you, human beings have been describing the sensation of being “haunted” since time immemorial. You are not the first person to feel cursed. You are not the first person to live in a haunted house. No matter what scientists or specialists have to say on the matter, this situation is completely real to you and that’s all that matters. Forcing yourself to ignore these feelings just because you cannot prove they’re based in reality does nothing to remedy the problem. There may not be proof that ghosts exist, but there also isn’t proof that they don’t exist.

Luckily, you’ve shared your concerns with the right person, because I am a witch, not a scientist. And when you’re an intuitive and open-hearted person, there’s a good chance you’ll feel “haunted” at some point in your life. Spirits don’t like to haunt everyone. Regardless of their intentions, spirits are often attracted to individuals who are receptive to their energy, as what they’re really searching for is a connection with the physical world. Spirits don’t usually want to hang around someone who ignores them or can’t sense them, which is why they seek out people who are sensitive to subtle spiritual energies. I myself have experienced exactly what your partner has experienced, to a less terrifying degree. A few months ago, around 15 minutes after I had tucked myself into bed, I heard a male voice whisper my name. It sounded like it was coming from someone standing no more than two feet away, which is why I expected someone to be standing right above me. No one was there and it rattled me to my core.

You and your partner are spiritually receptive people. You are a Scorpio, which is a fixed water sign that can sense what’s not being said and not being felt by others. Scorpio can lift up the rock and see the vermin skulking underneath it. Scorpio can search through shadows and see clearly in the dark. Nothing gets past a Scorpio. Your partner is arguably even more psychic than you are, as she was born with a massive Cancer stellium. A “stellium” means someone has many placements in the same zodiac sign or astrological house, indicating a huge concentration of energy in one area of their life. Cancer is a cardinal water sign of empathy, sensitivity, and nurturing, and your partner’s birth chart indicates that her natal sun, moon, rising, Mercury, and Venus are all in Cancer. She is particularly psychic, which is why it comes as no shock that she could hear a disembodied voice so clearly. And because Cancer is such a caring and compassionate zodiac sign, these spirits are likely drawn to her maternal qualities. Fortunately, the fact that both of you are psychic makes you even more capable of expelling these unwanted spirits all on your own. (Learn more about the water signs.)

I’m about to give you some advice that may be hard to follow: Do not be afraid. Your fear is making you and your partner even more attractive to these entities. Keep in mind that negative spirits are actually in a lot of pain. Think about it—hurt people hurt people. When someone is angry, traumatized, or emotionally injured, it’s not at all uncommon for them to lash out and try to bring someone else down to their level. Negative spirits are exactly the same way. They rush to something—or someone—who shares the same frequency of pain. Like attracts like. Your fear attracts more fear. And even though it’s horrifying to feel haunted, these spirits are feeding off that fear.

The use of alcohol is also likely making you more susceptible to these negative energies, as being in a drunken state makes you more vulnerable to non-corporeal entities. You know how most people don’t act like themselves when they’re drunk? That’s because, in a spiritual sense, being drunk makes you a host for negative spirits (or even demonic forces). They will latch onto you and take over the wheel unless you are grounded and level-headed. As hard as it may be, I would recommend lowering your alcohol intake as much as possible, at least until you get this situation under control.

I also recommend speaking to these spirits like you would a hurt child. Instead of showing your fear and frustration, calmly validate their presence and acknowledge the pain this spirit must be in. As terrifying as they are, these spirits are depressed and they really just want to be understood. Tell them: “I hear you, I see you, and I understand your pain. What happened to you was not fair. But this is our home, and you are not welcome here. I wish you well, but there is nothing for you here.” The simple act of showing kindness and understanding to a bully can be incredibly disarming. The same goes for negative spirits.

You need to take back what belongs to you, which means it’s time to cleanse your home of negative energy and protect it from future harm. You don’t need to hire a psychic or spiritual healer to do this for you, as you can easily accomplish this with items that may already be in your kitchen. And in your vulnerable state, I would advise against paying a psychic to do this for you, as they could be a con artist that manipulates you into spending lots of money you don’t have. (Here’s how to tell if you’re working with a real psychic.)

I would first recommend burning sacred incense or resin that purifies your space and wards off negative energy, like copal, frankincense, or sage. Do this every day. I would also recommend cutting some limes in half and sprinkling salt on top of it. Place a salted lime wedge in every room of your farmhouse and replace them with fresh limes once they begin to look old and moldy. Lemons will also work just as well as limes. Lastly, I recommend placing something made of iron at every entry point in your home, such as doors and windows. This can be anything made of iron, but a popular choice would be a horseshoe. While the limes will suck up all the negative energy in your home, the iron will ward off unwanted spirits. You can also plant rosemary around your home, as it’s been known as a powerful protection herb since biblical times. Trust me, this will help. Just because something is simple doesn’t make it less effective. (Learn more about protection rituals.)

Coins are a common tool for hexes. If someone is trying to perform a hex, they could toss a cursed coin their target’s property or leave it in a place where their target is bound to pick it up. If your “friend” did intentionally hex you (and it certainly sounds possible, considering your long string of bad luck), they likely performed a ritual and concentrated their negative intentions onto those coins. It’s also possible that those coins were cursed to begin with, and they were simply trying to get rid of it and pass the problem on to someone else. Either way, that friend was no friend to you at all.

Fortunately, you are stronger than any hex, which is why you should perform something called an “uncrossing ritual”. This type of ritual is designed to remove negative and depleting attachments from your life, especially if that energy is coming from a curse, a hex, or a spell gone wrong. I recommend this uncrossing ritual by Mickie Mueller, as it’s incredibly effective and all you need is a few lemons and some salt. If you still have the coins, I recommend disposing of them by wrapping them in a black or white cloth and burying them in a place that is not on your property.

You say you moved into this farmhouse 13 years ago and the timing of that is incredibly interesting. In January 2011, Jupiter—planet of growth and expansion—formed a conjunction with Uranus—planet of instability and sudden changes in the most spiritually receptive zodiac sign of all—Pisces. This planetary alignment is something that only happens every 13-14 years, and tomorrow, on April 20, 2024, Jupiter is once again forming a conjunction with Uranus. When this conjunction initially occurred back in 2011, it happened right next to your natal Chiron in Pisces. In astrology, Chiron is rules over your deepest wounds and your lifelong attempts to heal that wound. Pisces is also the zodiac sign of spiritual energies and otherworldly entities. In a sense, moving into this farmhouse may have kickstarted a healing journey that will ultimately show you how to embrace your sensitivity to the spirit world without succumbing to its overpowering influences.

13 years later, Jupiter is once again forming a conjunction with Uranus, and this time it’s directly opposing your natal Scorpio moon. In astrology, the moon represents your home and your private life, which is why this conjunction is once again increasing the tension and uncertainty you’ve been experiencing. Your partner’s natal Mars—planet of combat and warfare—is also in Taurus, which explains why this conjunction has been draining and destabilizing her well-being. The fact that your demented landlord put his hands on her is another manifestation of the increase in violent energy she’s been dealing with. Fortunately, this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction also represents another breakthrough, urging you take action, heal from these miseries, and take back control of your life. (Learn more about the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.)

The North Node is currently moving through warrior Aries, encouraging you to tap into your power and stand your ground. After all, you were born when the North Node was moving through Aries, and your nodal return is activating your ability to be a leader and a protector, both for yourself and for your family. By consistently protecting your home, strengthening your state of mind, and calmingly remaining grounded, you will find a way out of this turmoil. In fact, a full moon in Scorpio on April 23, 2024 will bring you and your partner some immediate relief, allowing you to purge this negativity, especially if you harness it correctly. I believe this is the perfect time for you to perform your uncrossing ritual, as full moons are powerful moments of release. (Learn more about how full moon rituals work.)

I think positive changes will really begin to take shape in your lives once the North Node of Destiny enters Pisces on January 28, 2025. I know that feels very far away from now, but you will begin to feel vast improvements taking shape after the lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17, 2024. Both you and your partner were born with your natal Chiron in Pisces, which means this eclipse represents a healing turn in your story. Let go of this fear and anxiety and replace it with calm acceptance that you are protected by your spirit guides. Your terrible friend, your abusive landlord, and these negative entities are no match for the diving light that both you and your partner are surrounded with. Do not let anything—or anyone—convince you that you are not protected.

About Roya

Roya Backlund is StyleCaster’s Senior Lifestyle & Astrology Editor and a professional witch. Born in Los Angeles on May 26—the same day as Stevie Nicks—she’s been obsessed with the zodiac since she discovered she was a Gemini as a child. Her interest in mysteries and the occult began in the metaphysical section at her local Borders. If you’re a fan of astrology, spirituality, and witchcraft, you’ve probably read her horoscopes and lifestyle articles, which have appeared elsewhere in Elite Daily, PopSugar,, and more. Whether you want to delve deeper into your birth chart or interpret signs from your spirit guides, Roya’s got you covered.

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