Saturday Surfing, September 21, 2024!

Hi, friend. Happy Caturday! Goodness gracious gravy. I am overjoyed to be sitting here, just happily typing away about whatever I wanna gab on about, and to not have to deal with a myriad of last-minute, pseudo work emergencies that could’ve been avoided by taking care of one’s administrative tasks early on, OMG! Side note, my day job has been kicking my butt lately.

I really do wish more people understood that 1) getting things done early makes everything easier, and 2) you get more bees with honey.

Anywho, I’m overjoyed that it’s Saturday, the sun is out and that we have a good chunk of the weekend ahead of us. 🙂

Before I sat down to write, I was thinking about how sometimes, I fall into a mode where everything I want to do feels so daunting that I get overwhelmed before I even start.

Like this morning, the first thing my inside voice said to me when I plopped into my chair was, “I’m too tired to sit down and bang away at the keyboard.” It’s been a ongoing internal creative struggle that I’ve been dealing with over the past month, sigh.

I’m realizing, though, how it’s so very easy to fall into a pattern of being too tired to do things, especially when you feel tapped out from adulting in general.

Anyway, I’m over it, so I’m trying to shake things up a little by breaking each task in front of me down to the smallest, easiest version.

The idea is that if I can do even just a little bit of something, that’s more than I would’ve done if I didn’t do anything at all. My hope is that tiny sense of accomplishment will propel me to keep the momentum to move forward.

Today, I told myself that if I could find just three beauty-related stories — ONLY THREE — which I wanted to read and share with you, I would be doing a-ok.

And guess what? I did it!

I will now rejoice in the small victory of doing the tiniest little bit of something.

Have a great rest of your Saturday, and take good care of yourself. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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