What Happened With Alex & Tim on Love Is Blind Season 7?

Love is Blind Season 7’s Alex and Tim seemed on shaky ground from almost the beginning of their relationship outside the pods. Their first meeting turned a little awkward, with Tim making some jokes Alex clearly didn’t appreciate. But off they went to Mexico, where they seemed to be trying to smooth things out. Then, came their first big fight, at the end of Love is Blind Episode 6.

Since the fight happened off-camera, we weren’t privy to exactly what went on, but the fallout was considerable. It’s bad enough that Tim spent the night in another room, and the conversation afterward included the phrase “We all know what happened after that.” Except we don’t, because we didn’t see it.

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The two more or less explain the fight in their apologies, with Tim apologizing for pushing her to tell him what was wrong and Alex apologizing for “covering his mouth” during the fight. But Tim still seemed less than sure. “I don’t argue with people like that,” he told Alex, “I don’t take some of the things that were implied about me and my character lightly.”

Alex and Tim have a subsequent conversation about their relationship, in which Tim relevels: “I will tell you that when I came in here, I came with the full intention that this was probably gonna be the last conversation we ever had.” They make up after that and seem just fine the rest of the time in Mexico, but the shadow of that fight is still hanging over them.

So, what did the last batch of Love is Blind episodes reveal about these two? What happened with Alex and Tim? Are they still together?

What happened with Alex and Tim on Love Is Blind?

Love Is Blind. (L to R) Timothee Godbee, Alexandra Brown in episode 708 of Love Is Blind

The two are officially broken up. Even though we saw Tim meet Alex’s family just a couple of days before in the timeline of Love is Blind, and that his conversation with Alex’s dad went pretty well, when Alex meets Tim’s family, it all falls apart. We, once again, in what has become a trend this season, don’t see how the issue starts. Instead, as Tim sits down with Alex, we learn that after a long conversation with Tim’s parents, Alex decided to go take a nap, because she was tired.

For Tim, this was a problem, as he wanted Alex to spend time with his family. “My parents drove up here 10 hours to meet you, and as soon as the cameras cut you decided to go to sleep at the first opportunity,” he tells her. “To me, it is telling, ‘cause that’s just not a choice I would ever make,” Tim adds a little later in the conversation.

The conversation gets testy, as Tim tells Alex that he tried to communicate with her multiple times, which she disputes. “I’m so confused,” Alex even says at one point in the conversation, adding “You want me to be this person that is your wife that does everything by the book, on your book. But I can’t be doing everything by the book unless you tell me.”

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But Tim is not having it, and it seems he came into the conversation with his mind made up. “After reflecting on what I really want out of life and a wife, I have to be honest with myself that the answer between you and I, for me, is no.”

The two continue talking for a bit, with Tim trying to point out the things he’s been doing. “If I have to communicate that, I am not the one for you,” he says, adding at the end of the conversation “I’m glad we can at least agree I don’t want ever wanna see you again.” Then, he leaves the apartment.

Are Love Is Blind Season 7’s Alex and Tim back together?

We won’t know for sure until the Love is Blind Season 7 reunion, but considering how things ended, all signs point to no. Couples who break up on the show rarely get back together, and it would be really surprising for a couple who ended as badly as Alex and Tim did to find a way to make it work. Particularly considering that, later in the episode, at a party with other members of the cast, Tim refuses to even talk to Alex.

Then there’s the fact that Alex shared a post on Instagram with pictures from Love Is Blind, some of which featured Tim, but neglected to tag him.

Tim also posted a story a day before Episodes 10 and 11 aired, a selfie of himself with the words “Reflect on yourself more often than you reflect on others.” Meanwhile, fans commenting on his latest Instagram post said: “yo u to good for that girl Alex, just saying” and “You deserve better than Alex. You seem mature and emotionally intelligent and healthy. She has anger and attitude issues and brings a lot of toxicity to the relationship. Very sad to witness someone negative or unhealthy drag down another person.”

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