Camping by the River and Thoughts on Staying in the Moment

We went camping last weekend by the Russian River, and Marnie tagged along with us, which added a different spin to our usual routine. I’ve never gone camping with a dog, so it was a first!

For this trip, I tried something new; I spent less time taking pics on my phone and more time trying to be present. I only took a handful of shots, including the one at the top.

Have you ever tried this? It’s been years since I’ve attempted to not grab at least a good amount of photos during a trip on my phone, and it was kinda weird for me.

I’m not sure how I feel about it! On one hand, it was really nice to not feel the need to constantly document everything. I really tried harder to burn images in my mind and capture the feelings at the moment—the sweetness of seeing Marnie walk right up to the edge of the river and getting right into the water without any hesitation, or how my heart swelled when Connor and Marnie looked so peaceful curled up together sleeping in the tent.

But on the other hand, I kinda wish I took at least a snap or two of those moments, so that years from now, I could get one of those reminders on my phone that shows me that I was by the water with my people on this specific day.

I legit wonder if I’m gonna remember it, ya know? I used to have a stellar memory; for years, and up until recently, I could remember even seemingly small things, like all my locker combinations during middle and high school, LOL! And now I can barely remember what I did last Monday, eek.

Oh, on a somewhat unrelated note, if you *do* take a dog camping, one thing I learned this time around is to save a little extra energy to give the dog a bath when you get home because they get absolutely filthy! My goodness.

Anywho, are you the type of person who just takes a few pictures on a trip and is fine with that, or do you feel the need to document every moment?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Happy Wednesday. I hope this week has been treating you well!

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