Certain Chemotherapy treatments can be a major concern for hair loss.
This article covers ideas that will help guide you through this particular period of treatment. Your healthcare team can tell you if your chemotherapy treatment is likely to cause hair loss. This allows you to plan ahead.
While there is no guaranteed way to prevent hair loss entirely during chemotherapy, there are several strategies to minimize it.
Chemotherapy targets rapidly dividing cells, which includes not only cancer cells but also hair follicles. This is why many patients experience hair loss during treatment. Hair loss may occur all over the body, including the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and other areas.
Cooling the scalp during chemotherapy is thought to prevent hair loss by affecting two cellular processes:
(1) Blood flow to hair follicle cells is reduced, therefore exposing them to less chemotherapy medications,
(2) the rate of cellular metabolism is slowed, thereby reducing the effect of whatever chemo medication is present.
Two basic approaches to scalp cooling: Manual Cooling Systems and Automated Cooling Systems.
Manual cold caps is a scalp cooling device that was granted clearance from the (FDA) Patients must take responsibility for obtaining caps and cooling resource and for administering treatment.
Manual caps must be swapped out periodically throughout treatment and require a source of refrigeration to keep replacement caps cold during the infusion process – usually dry ice in a cooler, though some infusion centers make dedicated freezers available to patients. Rapunzel Project has been instrumental in installing freezers for manual caps in many infusion centers across the country.
The Automated Systems include self-contained refrigeration units that continuously cool the cap during treatment, eliminating the need for multiple cap changes and for access to freezers or dry ice.
Single cap application, coolant is continuously circulated and regulated.
Medical centers can offer the treatment directly to patients and oversee the treatment process.
• Effectiveness: Cold caps can be effective for some people, though results can vary depending on the type of chemotherapy and individual response. It is more commonly used with certain chemotherapy drugs.
Use products that are mild and effective. A sulfate free shampoo and a high performant conditioner and a heat protector when styling.
Hair strands can become extremely brittle through chemotherapy and the Iles Formula Shampoo and Conditioner have been clinically proven when used together to stop hair breakage from the first use.
The Iles Formula Scalp and Hair Rejuvenating Booster has been awarded by Oprah Winfrey and her beauty team as The Best Performing Hair Growth Booster 2023.
The booster is a daily 3 month commitment. It won’t stop hair from falling during chemotherapy but will certainly help bring back your good DNA of hair structure.
Often hair texture changes as it grows back in some cases like a finer fluff, or a coarse texture. Read more here on the award winning formula
If using heat styling be sure to use a heat protectant. The Iles Formula Finishing Serum has heat protection up to 450 degrees and delivers no weight.
Avoid chemical treatments: Refrain from coloring, perming, or relaxing your hair during chemotherapy, as these can damage weakened hair.
Wigs and head covers are always an option. If choosing a wig opt for a human hair wig and have a professional style the wig for your face. A good wig will bring self esteem and confidence during this difficult time.
Managing stress through practices like positive thinking, meditation, yoga, or therapy can help reduce anxiety. Always remember to discuss any questions or concerns with your oncologist