Saturday Check In | I Made a Wreath!

I made a wreath!

Hello, my friend!

Can I just say, it’s so nice to be sitting at my keyboard in my PJs at the start of a Saturday? I haven’t spent much time writing this week because work has been draining lately. I come home feeling like my life force has been sucked out of me by a baby vampire, LOL! All I have left when I get home is just enough energy to make dinner and prep things for the next day, so I apologize if I’ve been MIA lately. I haven’t been feeling particularly creative or chatty. Just tired.

Question for you. Does the workload at your job ebb and flow? Or is the work more steady? I’m finding out that mine has these cycles where things will be very slow for a few weeks, and then just like that, it’ll pick up, and if I’m not on top of it, I get buried in details very quickly. If it wasn’t for my tracking spreadsheets, I’d be a mess.

The interesting thing to me is that the work isn’t technically hard. It’s very detail oriented, though, and having to concentrate for hours on making sure numbers and dates and copy are consistent across different programs takes a lot more out of me than I expected.

Anywho, things are still going well, and I like the work. Next month will be my fourth month there, and I’m finally starting to feel settled.

Earlier this week we had a team-building exercise making spring wreaths, and guess what? I found out that I kindasorta love making wreaths. I know, so random. I got to make a spring wreath out of fresh cuttings from trees and shrubs from the college farm, and I absolutely loved it.

I started by taking olive branches as my base and tying them together with green floral wire. Then, I clipped off the stiff parts of the stems with shears. Then, I just kept adding different branches to fill out the wreath. I used cherry blossoms, sage and rosemary.

I think what I liked most about the exercise was the process of trying different combinations of colors and leaves to see where the wreath would go. I think there’s something very freeing about not having a plan and letting the creativity flow!

When I brought it home, the first thing I did was put it on my door, and then I took about a jillion pictures of it.

If you ever get the chance to make a wreath, do it! You just might love it. 🙂

Other than being kinda buried at work and sneezing my way through my days (it’s allergy season for me in Nor Cal), I’ve been OK. How has life been on your end of the keyboard? Got any fun plans for the rest of today?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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