Why They’re Important in Astrology

In case you haven’t noticed, astrologers tend to get really amped up about eclipses. You’ve probably heard that they instigate major changes that were always part of your destiny, which sounds like a big deal. But what are solar eclipses and lunar eclipses, anyway? And why are they so important in astrology?

Before we get into the nitty gritty, think back to a decision you made that changed the entire course of your life. Examples might be: quitting your job after 10 years, getting divorced, eloping, or going back to school to start a new career path. These are moments where everything—and I mean everything—changes. Have you ever stopped to wonder what’s going on astrologically when this happens?

Well, eclipse season is a surefire possibility. This bi-annual event tends to supercharge our connection to destiny (i.e. what we’re “supposed” to be doing)—thanks to its proximity to either the North Node and the South Node (a.k.a. the Lunar Nodes of Fate). For that reason, a newfound sense of urgency arises and it’s like we suddenly see everything with clear eyes. And the best part? Each eclipse season always graces us two lunations: a new moon for opening chapters and a full moon for closing chapters. 

As an astrologer myself, I follow eclipses very closely, so I can see just how drastically they’ve affected my own life. In fact, here are two major life decisions I made during eclipse seasons: 1. moving to a state I’d spent less than five days in, and 2. deciding not to have children. So when I say they can change your life, I’m not kidding.

While chaos may be a common theme in any eclipse season, how it affects you will depend on various factors, including what sign each moon cycle is in, whether it’s a full or new moon eclipse, and how it falls in your own personal birth chart.

Diamond ring effect in Fort Worth, Texas.
GetttyPhoto by Ron Jenkins/Getty Images.

What is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a new moon—on steroids. Like a regular new moon, a solar eclipse presents opportunities for fresh starts, potential, and new beginnings. But a new moon beginning and a solar eclipse beginning are very, very different. Because of the “eclipse” effect, the new beginnings of a solar eclipse can feel unsettling at first because they create drastic change. For example, you’re not just starting a relationship; you’re moving to another country with someone you’ve been dating for 6 months! 

To identify what new beginnings are coming, it will depend on the Node in proximity to the solar eclipse. A solar eclipse near the North Node will usher in new changes that will feel like your destiny. A solar eclipse near the South Node will bring new changes that allow you to feel like you’re being freed from something.

Lunar Eclipse

What is a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse is a full moon—also on steroids. Similar to a full moon, a lunar eclipse offers room for removal, detox, death, or endings. You can imagine, then, just how dramatic a lunar eclipse ending might be—to release something that has been weighing us down. It’s like taking off a suit of armor; it feels liberating, but the entire process is exhausting. This is where we might see divorces, debts, foreclosures, breakups, closing projects, or otherwise leaving behind an “old life.”

The kind of endings a lunar eclipse brings also depends on the Node in its proximity. A lunar eclipse near the North Node will indicate the end of a project or cycle that we started to help us on our soul’s journey. A lunar eclipse near the South Node will be about leaving something or someone behind because we know it’s “right.”

STYLECASTER | Lunar Eclipse
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Why are eclipses important?

Eclipses are incredible because they are intricately connected to fate and destiny. Remember those “Nodes of Fate” mentioned earlier? The North and South Nodes represent the soul’s journey. The North Node discusses the soul’s evolution—future lives, karma, what we’re supposed to head toward or bring in. The South Node discusses the soul’s baggage—past lives, old karma, what we’re supposed to leave behind or wash clean.

The Nodes aren’t physical objects. Instead, they are two points on opposite ends of the sky that designate where the sun and moon cross paths. These two points stay in the same sign for about 18 months—designating an 18-month story, personalized to each person.
Each eclipse during that 18-month period will reveal, layer-after-layer, the story that you’re in. Ultimately, what you chose not to see clearly before, or whatever you decided to remain blind to, eclipses will pull the veil from your eyes—and it can be a bit of a rude awakening if you’ve been avoiding the truth for too long.

StyleCaster | Lunar Eclipse Zodiac Signs Astrology
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

What to do & not to do during eclipse season

  1. Don’t panic. It’s true that change is afoot during eclipse season. And while instability and disruption can feel scary, remember that change is necessary for growth. Without pressure, a diamond can never take form.
  2. Don’t manifest. Any eclipse rituals are fine. But manifesting? No. Because eclipse energy is so chaotic, calling in manifestations during this time can cause more drama than you asked for. 
  3. Go with the flow. When it comes to eclipses, you aren’t in charge. The more you remember that, the easier your time will be. 
  4. Have faith. The Universe knows your path better than you do, and it’s setting it up for you the best way it can. Whatever is happening, it’s for you. You’re not supposed to know the “why”. Even if it’s confusing, know that it’s right.
StyleCaster | 2024 Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign During Eclipse Season & More
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCasterImage: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

What to expect during an eclipse

The only thing to expect during an eclipse is the unexpected. That’s what makes eclipses so intense and overwhelming! Our lives are intersected with kismet and unexplainable events that can only be described as being set up just for us. 

Expecting movement in your life is the best thing to do. And of course, a sudden dose of clarity. This is a time of change, but it’s also a time for alignment. The information you receive will help you find inner peace, self-understanding, and embrace a more authentic life. Eclipses are great for that.

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